Sara Santistevan

Sara Santistevan was born and raised in Southern California, where she grew up around vivid storytellers. She fondly remembers listening to her family reminisce in Spanglish over merienda.
Sara graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies with honors. During her time at UCSC, she received the 2021 Reyna Grande Scholarship for her poetry on the Latina identity. This scholarship gave her the resources to work on her debut chapbook, The Root from which Freedom Blossoms (forthcoming with Fauxmoir).
The Root from which Freedom Blossoms explores how complicated mythologies, histories, and cultural norms can live on in the internal lives of people of color. Sara enjoys writing and reading about themes of heritage, language, immigration, girlhood, and the whimsical/uncanny. In her free time, Sara enjoys attending local writing groups, visiting cafes, and dreaming of the day she'll have her own cat.